Magic Cluob

Ca 12% + B 0.6%


Magic Cluob is a liquid fertilizer contains calcium and boron to increase plant strength, bud development and fruit quality.

The importance of Calcium :

  • Formation of fast-growing cell walls and tissues.
  • Increases plant fertility and fruit set.
  • Increases the firmness of cells and fruits.


Symptoms of calcium deficiency :

  • Weakness and shortness of new growth.
  • Fruit damage and intolerance for storage.


Magic Cluob

Ca 12% + B 0.6%


Magic Cluob is a liquid fertilizer contains calcium and boron to increase plant strength, bud development and fruit quality.

The importance of Calcium :

  • Formation of fast-growing cell walls and tissues.
  • Increases plant fertility and fruit set.
  • Increases the firmness of cells and fruits.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency :

  • Weakness and shortness of new growth.
  • Fruit damage and intolerance for storage.

Composition :



Mixing :

  • Magic Cluob can be mixed with most fertilizers that don’t contain sulfur   
  • A mixing test should be done.
  •  Don’t mix with pesticides.

Rates and applications :

Crop Rates Application Notes
Fruit Trees Foliar spray 1-2 cm / liter of water

irrigation water 2- 4 liters / feddan

During the vegetative growth and during the formation of flowering shoots
Vegetable Plants Foliar spray 1-2 cm / liter of water

irrigation water 2- 4 liters / feddan

2-3 weeks after planting and before flowering
Cereal Crops Foliar spray 1-2 cm / liter of water

irrigation water 2- 4 liters / feddan

During vegetative growth and before flowering
Oil Crops Foliar spray 1-2 cm / liter of water

irrigation water 2- 4 liters / feddan

During vegetative growth, before flowering, and during seed ripening
GreenHouses with irrigation water

1-2 cm / liter of water

Two weeks after transplantation and repeated every 2-3 weeks

Green lawns

Foliar spray 1-2 cm / liter of water

irrigation water 2- 4 liters / feddan

At the beginning of the growing season

Ornamental Plants

Foliar spray 1-2 cm / liter of water

irrigation water 2- 4 liters / feddan

During vegetative growth and during flowering buds in flowering plants

In cases of deficiency symptoms Spray at the beginning of deficiency symptoms on the plant at a rate of 1-2 cm / liter of foliar spray water

– These rates are indicative and may change according to the conditions of the plant and the soil conditions

Registration number :  5807